
Saturday 31 December 2011

New Years Eve

Sooo unfortunately I did not pull up quite as well as I had hoped for today, so I am now stuck at home sick, seriously I would rather be at work :( 2011 you certainly have thrown a lot at me, but I am very happy to say I have come out of it, a lot stronger, a lot more confident, and with a smile on my face to achieve more in 2012.

I went a couple days ago to see the new movie "New Years Eve" and yea it was your typical chick flick devoid of any truthfulness, well so you would think. But one thing stuck with me. "What would you do today if you knew you couldnt fail?" I find these pretty strong words. Why are we so afraid of failing anyways? We shouldn't be afraid to reach for the stars and chase our dreams. But for some reason we feel like failure is a sign of weakness, but instead I think it should show how courageous people are for trying something, don't you?

This year as you know from my previous posts I quit my job, and at the time I thought it was because I was weak, because I had failed. I felt like I couldn't hack the pace, the stress and the work load. Yet when I look back, it took a lot of strength and courage to walk away from it. To put my hand up and say no, this is not what a work environment is meant to be like, this is not how I should be allowed to be treated. And now I know going into 2012 I will have a new job, that I know I am going to love and cant wait to be able to announce it to you all.

So if you could do anything today and not fail what would you do? I think this is a question I need to ask myself everyday. Thats why I have decided that in 2012 I am also going to further my studies on a part time basis, I am going to plan my dream wedding, and help one of my best friends plan hers, I am going to enjoy life again! Because never again will I be afraid of failure, because to me there is no such thing.

Anyways i should get back to the wedding. With all main factors now decided upon and booked, the wedding can most definitely go ahead. We have a lovely garden wedding venue, a stunning reception venue, we have a celibrant who we both know and trust. Therefore whether we have guests or not, we can get married!!!

As well as this, bomboniere gifts are sorted, I have sourced the attendant gifts, and once these arrive it will be time to ask my bridesmaids if they would like the honor... We have set up our guest list which currently stands at 94, 96 including us. Which is perfect!!

Today I am also going to email my travel agent today and see if she can put a bit of a cost package together for our honeymoon so we have something to work towards moneywise, and also to get our registry sorted, because we are already set up beautifully from our engagement party, we have decided to ask our guests to help us pay for our honeymoon, and hopefully people will be happy with that!

So with todays post I wish you all a happy new year and do me the biggest favour of all and don't be afraid to succeed in 2012!

Friday 30 December 2011

Money Woes

I have spent much of the last few months worried about money. Whether it be for the homeloan, the wedding, the honeymoon or simply the cost of living. Finding the balance has been a tough, I think living with an accountant certainly does help though. Our budget does seem to be working for us.

We have also started to get the quotes coming for certain aspects of the day, drinks and food per person very lower than what we had budgeted for and in turn, it means I can squeeze the dream dress into the budget if I choose that it is in fact the dress I want.

Providing then the remainder of our budget does stick to schedule then all should be ok. I have found the most amazing bridesmaid dresses, so now just at the point of picking the actual bridesmaids. Still haven't got around to calling the prospective celebrant, but that is definitely next on the to-do list.

I must say planning a wedding is a lot of fun! I am enjoying the whole process and can't wait to get more into the nitty gritty of it all!

But for now, I have been struck by the cold/flu and I am off to bed before working all day tomorrow, yep I draw the short stick on the working of NYE. At least its only until 5pm.

Have a wonderful New Years all!!! Be safe and be happy!

Thursday 29 December 2011


Its coming to that time of year where the new years resolutions start to come out. Have you been successful for 2011? I have managed to go without McDonalds for the year, this wasnt because of the fatiness or poor nutritional value of the food, its because I felt I was relying on it too much. Those sweet chilli chicken wraps were a very common lunch for me, so in order to save money, and I guess in turn my waistline I put it on my new years resolution list, and you know what? Its the first resolution I have ever kept!

This year I do have a few resolutions I would love to keep:
- I want to put a ban on another fast food, I could do Maccas again? KFC? Subway? Pizza? Not sure yet...
-I want to be able to run 10km like I could before I had pneumonia earlier this year.
-I want to go back to the weight I was at 18, 60kg, do you think I can knock off 14kG in a year? Don't get me wrong I am not big by any means, but I do want to look great for my wedding day.
- I want to have time to go to the gym at least twice a week.
-Get 1 BNF vote in netball.
-Lastly I want to have time to cook, and I mean actually cook, not just chuck something on quickly.

So I guess I have a few there to up-keep. I am thinking a better work-life balance will help me achieve these. The support of my friends and family, I am sure I can achieve any of these after the year I have had.

So tell me what are your resolutions for the year?

Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Honeymoon

So I hope you all had a wonderful christmas! I spent it with family, ofcourse ate too much, got way too much chocolate and I am sure I am going to have to go on a health and fitness diet for the next 6 months to work it all off, but hey if you cant do it at christmas when can you?

I have spent my last few days off working out the Honeymoon also, we have decided to jetset off to America, its the place I want to go more than anywhere in the world, and have been attempting to go to for about 4 years now. So we have decided we would love to go to New York, Washington DC, Georgia (for the US Masters), Florida (I'm in Miami Bitch!!), Texas y'all, Arizona, Nevada, California and finishing off with a relaxing couple of days in Hawaii.

Its going to be one hell of a trip!!! I am finally going to get to see Manhattan, an NBA game, the US masters and a baseball game!! I imagine the Grand Canyon would be amazing, Hollywood is by far what I am looking forward to the most, rodeo drive, the hollwood sign!!! I want to celebrities!!!! and see how much taller I am than them haha :)

Anyways I am finding it a bit scary how much this will all cost, but I think its more than worth it! If I have to sit on a plane for 24 hours...and believe me I am not the best flyer by any means...I am going to want to do it all!

So any suggestions on whats not to be missed in the US of A? Post them below and help Daz and myself plan away :)

Friday 23 December 2011

And so this is Christmas...

Christmas is just 2 days away! Doesnt really feel like it though, still got 2 days left at work and I've come down crook too, oh the joy! I suppose like me you all have a million places to be the next few days...I have Xmas eve lunch with my immediate family, Christmas lunch with the wider family, boxing day I have the famous drouin boxing day races and Darren's family lunch, so I tell ya by the 27th I'm gonna be soo ready to stay at home and not do a thing...

I used to get excited about Xmas, but not anymore, think its an age thing, I've obviously passed that point now, because pretty much I just see commercialism of a day that should be about appreciation and generosity.

Not a lot of wedding planning will be taking place the next few days I don't think, maybe a few quotes or something like that! I heard about a great florist today, someone who is just starting out, so that sounds really great to me! Other than that just waiting to see the invites and maybe off to the travel agent to get our honeymoon priced up! Yay!!

Thursday 22 December 2011

The wedding cake

Why is anything to do with weddings so expensive and why do suppliers feel they have the right to be rude? I sent emails to about 10 invitationalists (did I just make up the word?) and most of them were snobby and didn't want to work with my budget! So frutrating!! Not everyone can afford a $30k wedding and honestly I know it's an important day and all but would u wanna spend that much on one day??

Anyways the one supplier that has come back to me, is happy to work out something for our budget, simply she wants our day to be as special as hers was and that's someone who I would want to pay my money too! So if your looking for someone willing to help you no matter the budget google (or as a ninemsn employee maybe you should bing lol) j&s invitations! I can't wait to receive my mocks!

Today I wanted to talk about the cake! What type of cake to have, how big, all that fun stuff!! What amazes me is the cost of cakes! And again why is it necessary? Darren and I are thinking of having a gigantic chocolate ripple cake! It's something we can make ourselves, which I think is more important than the amount we spend, we can make it two or three tiers no problem, it'll probably cost about $20 in biscuits and $40 in cream, but certainly seems the best option to me! And most of all it's white! And I love chocolate ripple cake! I got this idea from making one last night for christmas lunch.

Wedding cakes can cost anywhere from $300 to $1000 and who cares what it looks like as long as it tastes good, right? It's that or a shitload of ice cream cakes, perhaps one per table? Haha now that'd be fun!

Now a little off topic! But PMG (that's an in joke with some of my favorites, most people would say omg) Christmas is like 3 days away! It feels so strange working this close, well not me, I always did, but everyone else, usually people have a couple days off before, it actually doesn't feel like Christmas is that close. Only one and a half wok days left, well two and a half if you include planet surf on Saturday...then it's new years and 2012! Sheesh I'm
Nearly 23....scary!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

It's about weddings I promise!!!

Soo yes this blog is about weddings, I have been a bit off topic of late haven't I? So planning planning planning, I am always planning! I have my bomboniere boxes, which still need to get made up, I also put in for a quote on invitations last night, I found the most amazing centre pieces by accident and we have finalized the guest list.

So the bomboniere boxes rocked up from china about a month ago now,
But since I have to glue them together, I feel like its too soon to do so at the moment, because maybe they'll fall apart by the time the day comes around. So they are on wedding hold until about this time next year now.

Last night I also put in for a quote for invitations, we are going pretty sweet and simple, plain cards, black writing and RSVP cards too, as for the registry we can add that part ourselves, I've also requested plain envelopes and normal mail sized invitations to save money! Because $10 per invite is simply not an option for us...but let's see what the mock up is once I receive it back in a couple weeks.

Words cannot describe how amazing the centre pieces I found, more like stumbled upon are. They are simply amazing, I'm going to keep it quiet for now, but it suits me down to a tee and I think the guests are absolutely going to love them to (a little bit of a pun) pieces! I love finding the perfect things by accident!

Lastly we finalized the guests at 91 for now, giving us 9 seats to move, incase we meet someone new or people get partners! Now we just need to head out to the golf club and get some quotes on food and drinks per head so the budget can be more
Correctly calculated!!

I'm also very excited because I get to go to my first bridal expo on January 8th! Words cannot express how excited I am to see other ideas, price ranges and really just get a feel for what costs what!

Anyways so that's where the planning is to date! Sooo now it's back to work, another day another dollar, just 3 more left until the Xmas break and boy am
I looking forward to that!!

Tuesday 20 December 2011


Today I find myself reminiscing, it always happens at this time of the year. It's because this is when I get my new diary and transfer anything of importance across, and find myself reading what I did on which days! The start of 2011 I was so happy, working at national foods and Dahlsens. Yet all I wanted was a full time job because I thought that would be easier to manage and less stressful...

Geez I got that wrong didn't I? Anyways my diary also tells a story of what I gave up for a so called career...even though flexible hours were part of my taking the job! Monday's read basketball, tuesdays read gym in morning and netball training at night, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Friday's also all read gym. Weekends usually consisted of work or fun nights out with girlfriends. All of which was soon to be forgotten, once I got to the February dates, I remembered what it was like to tutor, the thrill of going for job interviews, or some I should have gone for instead of canceling them when I got a job offer..

Then it was march, future music festival, more exercise, walks with friends, well until mid march anyways...that's when I started the full time job, the time I would usually play sport was taken up by sitting on a train, lunch breaks were non existent, overtime was the norm and no energy was ever left over on the weekend, and what was, again was spent trying to catch up with my work load.

What struck me today is that I'm not disappointed in the place, I'm disappointed in myself, why did I cancel interviews and turn down other roles to begin with? But mostly why did I let it go on, even after being seriously Ill with pneumonia didn't seem to make a difference and it should of, back at work after two weeks, 10kg lighter and still no lunch break, still working til midnight to keep up, and why? Why should any job be worth that?

I guess by may I finally came to my senses, and no longer would I stay back, no longer would I go through the day with out lunch, finally I stood up for myself and did what was right for me! I started on the job hunt, the dream job came up and I had an interview at the afl, something that I have never mentioned until now, but my confidence was that low that I gave a horrible interview and with that obviously didn't get the job.

I am never going to let that happen again! I was good at my job, I am a good person and I am competent to handle what anyone throws at me, and I know this because I have tackled a lot in my childhood and since and if anyone ever makes me feel like I am inferior or unable again, I will resign on the spot! Maybe that's strong or maybe it's irrational, but I refuse to ever again feel so low that I miss a golden opportunity.

Now that's not at all about weddings today, but hey at least you got some insight into the inner workings of my brain, all because of a diary changeover...I look forward to the 2014 diary when I get to see my wedding date in the past and I'm guessing I'll have a tale or two to tell about that day too...

Monday 19 December 2011

The Proposal

Sorry for the lack of posting the last couple days. It was one busy weekend this weekend, lots on and lots to do. Just one week left until christmas and our christmas shopping is complete! This week I just have to make chocolate ripple cake and all will be well! This weekend also brought my first shift at Planet Surf. It was fun to work in such a relaxed and fun environment, having a chat with people and hearing there christmas shopping stories. I think I am going to enjoy this for the next month or so!

Anyways I have been blogging now for a little while and I still havent told the proposal story, so I do think its about time...Now our proposal wasn't a massive deal, no ring at the bottom of a champagne glass, probably because I don't really drink the stuff, no ring hidden in a piece of cake, now this is probably because I down cake so quickly that I would most likely swallow the thing and not notice, it also didn't happen on a holiday, or a birthday or any special days. This is because thats just not our style. We are pretty relaxed people, and for about the last 5 years, all we have heard, are you gonna get married? when are you getting engaged? are you going to say yes? will you have kids? And to be completely honest I hadn't thought about any of it. I was happy with Daz so it didn't matter if I had a diamond on my hand or not, I was pretty happy with the $50 ring he had bought me back in Year 11...

We had been talking about getting married for a little while, especially with buying a house together and about to move in. We knew we were going to be together, so on the night of August 13th 2011, when we were lying in Daz's bedroom listening to a match of AFL on the radio, to us it set the perfect scene. Because as most of you would know, my life does revolve around the football. Daz put his arm around me, leant in and said, I think its time to get you a cliche' down on one knee, because hey why would I wanna do what everyone else does? People may think my story isn't as romantic as others, but to me how it happened was absolutely perfect!

So we decided to wait until we got the ring before telling anybody... so off we went Saturday morning, we chose the perfect ring together, a moment we will never forget! Then we headed home and preceeded to tell close friends and family, and then by about 7 o'clock that night, it was time to "confirm" and make the facebook relationship change, because hey everyone knows it's not official until it's on facebook. We headed to our favourite restaurant, Thai of course and had a wonderful night!

The thing I love about preoposal stories is that every single one is different, I love hearing the surprise stories, the holiday stories, the anniversaries, the birthdays, and thats what makes an engagement so special to each couple! I like to think back to the movie Bride Wars, two girls played by Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaways' character was sitting on the couch, not expecting anything when her boyfriend proposed, where as Kate pushed the engagement out of her boyfriend after she was snooping and found the ring hidden in a closet. Yes maybe this isn't real life, but neither of those girls were disappointed on the way the proposal, because that's not the part that matters.

What matters is that you have found your best friend, that you want to share all the highs and lows with for the rest of your life, not about the size of the diamond, or even the white dress, and I think sometimes people do need to remember that!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

This morning I have the lucky seat on the train between two people who won't shut the f up for the last hour!! I don't care about what pub in Sydney you both went I don't usually get bothered by this. But today I'm feeling particularly unwell...I have a massive head ache, a nose that won't stop running and in massive pain from the first netball training last night! Seriously how can someone talk this much?!!!

Anyways yesterday was a pretty cruisy day, I've been learning a lot at work which has been fantastic, they have process, they have procedures and they stick to them! This makes learning a new role so much easier, I also love how supportive they are of my netball and my life outside of work! They don't want my world to be centered around them, the people are friendly too, they understand their products, they know what they have sold and they know how to work as team which is great!

I am very happy that it seems like at this stage I have made the righ decision with my life! Things are feeling good! Well except for my arms and legs which I can barely move after training last night!!

Tonight I am hopeful for a nice relaxing tea with my amazing fiancé and an early night because I am absolutely exhausted, hopefully the day will go quickly!

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Have you ever won anything? Yesterday must have been my lucky day, I was already off to an early screening of a movie with tickets I had won, and I got a phone call saying I had won a $700 package to stay at crown with VIP entry to their NYE party! Seriously I never win anything!!! I am so excited!!!

With the money spent on the party, doing up the house, we would never ever be able to afford a night stay over anywhere, let alone crown! And last time I did scrape together the cash to do it, I was unwell with pneumonia and it simply wasn't as enjoyable as it could or should have been! So I am certainly going to make the most of this one!

I guess it is a slight luxury of sitting on a train for 3 hours a day, I have time to write my blog, I have time to Facebook and I have time to enter every competition I come across! But this isn't the only reason I consider myself a winner!

Saturday night just showed me how lucky I was! The friends and family that both Darren and I have are amazing! We had a friend fly across from Perth, many people trekked down from the city and other weird and wonderful places; places where the excuse of its too hard or too far could have definitely come into play, yet these people didn't let it stop them, they were there on one of the most important days of my and Darren's life and I hope it was worth the drive!

My entire life at the moment feels like I have won a competition, I can actually say I am happy, my job is relatively stress free at the moment, and seems to be a great group of people, the work loads are managed carefully and the culture seems a good one! Additionally to this I get to start my social job this weekend! Sell some clothes, have a chat and make some friends, while getting paid for it, well I ain't complaining :)

The engagement party was an absolute delight! Presents we received will go such a long way with helping us finish off the house and help with the wedding! One out standing friend has given me the most amazing present! Hair styling for the entire bridal party! How amazing is that!! Which may mean I can afford the dream dress, but let's not get to ahead of ourselves just yet! From the night I also think its pretty clear who the maid of honor will be, and I am also pretty sure I know who I want in my bridal party, should they choose to accept it!

I am taking this week off planning and trying to relax, not sure how the first netball training will go though, my fitness is not where it ought to be, so tonight could be interesting...
Let's hope I can smash something out anyways! Then next week I want to to jump straight into the wedding planning, organize a meeting with the celebrants, revise the guest list and finalize colour schemes!

Monday 12 December 2011

The party!

There is absolutely nothing more humbling than all of your friends and family showing up to celebrate with you! Knowing that about 150 people took time out of there busy schedules is simply amazing and there is no way to thank everyone enough for their time and presents..

I'll tell you what though, hosting a party is a busy business! I spent the night saying hi, hi, hi and the end of the night saying bye bye bye! Unfortunately not a lot of time to actually catch up with people and have a chat! However I have heard good things about the night and everyone seemed to have a great time just like we did which is the most important thing!

Our friends and family have definitely amazed us with their generosity! We got so many wonderful presents that will definitely help set up our lives together, we might even be able to get a new couch!! Our kitchen and bathrooms are definitely completed now too! And I can't wait to start to focus on creating out new room and also the garden!

Life is exciting at the moment and I couldn't be more happier!

Saturday 10 December 2011


I can't believe it, I actually have some time to write a post today of all days!!! The room is semi set up and ready to go for tonight. Our current delay is that we can't set up the balloons until midday, toherwise they may begin to deflate over the night.

But thats ok, its kind of nice to sit down and just enjoy the moment, well Darren is watching the cricket and I am minute out to write to you all. Only 7 hours to go and I am so excited for what tonight might bring.

Hair cut and coloured...check
Hair Up booked....check
Make-up booked....check
Catering recieved....check
Helium Booked....check

After planning this party, my interest in event management have increased dramatrically, unfortunately I believe its another career path built for city living. I am a country girl, I love living where I live so in 4 months I need to find thatr option for being closer to home.

I made a friend on the train on Thursday night, she just started at Flight Centre, a career option I have been considering for quite a long time now. She was telling me how much she was enjoying it, how much fun she was having beating her budgets and also having a role that's just 20 minutes away from home. I tell you what I think she is a good sales woman because man I think she has sold me on Flight Centre now!

But we have 4 months to sort that out! Anyways I should head off because its nearly time to head back out to the venue!


Friday 9 December 2011


Thank god it's Friday. Finally the end of the working week, the first week of a new job usually flies by. A mixture of the information overload and the anxieties of a new job seem to be a good match...however this week seemed to go forever!! One more day to go now...

I am very happy to say that I don't look like an oompa loompa after my tan, you can never be quite sure when trying a new place, it depends on the product they use, and whether it has a green or orange undertone, believe me ladies you want to steer clear of a tan that has an orange undertone (most DIY supermarket brands) or risk looking like Lindsay lohan!! My only issue with the spray tan is the way they come off, I am yet to have a spray that fades away evenly, but let's hope this one (the naked tan) is the first!!

So tonight is Thai night! I love Thai night! But it won't be as relaxing as usual, tonight I am
Going to get all the plates of food ready for Saturday!!! Then all we have to do is set up the room Saturday morning, which will take some time with the balloons, then hair, make-up and nails if I can find the time!

My favourite part of the next 24 hours is the rsvps who pull out last minute! Whether the reason is legitimate, or in their mind "they were never actually coming", admit it you've done it before! Now I dont judge people by this, because things happen, plans change, I guess the part I like is the why, it's always entertaining!

The part i dislike the most if the guests asking "what do you need/want?" now if I don't answer they will push you until you say something!! But if I skip that and just say "vouchers" is that rude? I feel as we haven't done the cheque dance of that makes sense, the cheque dance comes from my favourite tv show How I met your mother, where Ted pays for dinner and the girl didn't participate in the "dance" by offering to pay.. Of course the reason we are having a party is to celebrate with our friends and family, but presents are also going to be a part of it, so what do you do? Do you dance? Or would you be one to just put it out there and say "bunnings vouchers" for example?

Ahhh parties haha they are more stressful than what you think they could be, thank god that part is over now! Hopefully this train starts moving soon and I can go smash out some work and Saturday will be here before I know it!


Thursday 8 December 2011

The clackers

I am a bit of a girly girl, but nothing like the clackers on my level, think the devil wears Prada! These girls all work for the gossip mags and look like models at a runway show every day, the fashion is amazing! The heels, the hair, the make-up is all impeccable! I find myself wondering how do these girls have the time and money for this?

My bank account is already looking very sorry for itself, and hair, tanning, a new outfit and make up is a special occasion thing for me. I guess maybe these girls don't have a mortgage, but surely they have to pay rent and bills. So I have no idea how they afford the Chanel and the Marc Jacobs? If someone knows the secret, please let me know how?

Anyways I got my hair done last night! Not going to tell you what I got done just yet, everyone can wait and see on Saturday! So did I go a little more blonde or a bit more red? Did I cut is short or leave it long... Off to get the spray tan tonight! I love a good spray tan, for once I won't be white as a ghost! After tonight everything is then on hold until Saturday.

Off to work again today, hoping the train isn't late for a change, there will be barely anyone there today with the ninemsn Christmas party taking place in Sydney! Think I'll also give planet surf a call and see when shift number 1 is as well!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Another day another dollar

Today has been a good day so far, work went well, I learnt a lot about the systems and programs that I'll be using and also a lot more about the processes, hopefully by the end of tomorrow I will be feeling a lot more on top of things, especially with almost everyone else out of office in Sydney for the christmas party.

I realized I'd only be working at this place for 74 days, that's really a short period of time, considering it takes people 3 months to fully understand a job and be able to work pro-actively, but I guess there is always the option for extension..

Anyways on the train home now and still can't decide what I want to do with my hair, eek! By this trains standards I have atleast another hour to decide! Then the beauty regime needs to kick off from tonight, especially with the tan tomorrow, certainly need to be prepared for that! Providing the train can get me there on time of course, and we all know that's pretty unlikely!

I think one last dress trial run before the tan is probably in order too, and with the time my hair takes, that's making for one late night tonight :( but it will all be worth it in the end!

3 days!!

Blogging on your iPhone is rather difficult, it deletes things, and freezes, surely a blogging site should be more smart phone practical? But maybe that's just me?

Anyways just 3 days to go until the engagement party now! And I am so excited! Off to the hairdressers tonight after work, not too sure what I am going to get done yet, bit more blonde or a bit more red? Confusing!! Then I think a small trim and a treatment to get things looking good for Saturday :)

The weather forecast is also looking promising, 27 with developing storms, but I am happy as long as I can get into the venue dry and not be cold in my dress once I am in, surely that's not too much to ask?

Gonna be an early Saturday morning I think, lots to do, gotta put the helium in the balloons and set up my room and then have hair and make-up, get Daz looking swarve too! Also gotta get all of the food and goodies ready! I'm worried by party time I am going to be ready for bed!

Anyways nearly at work for day 3! Day 2 started off a bit off note but by the end of the day I was feeling much better, I think because I had such a poor experience at my last job, I am having trouble trusting the new one! I am going to liken it to having a bad break up and never wanting to see a boy again... So I need to get my confidence up, believe I can do the job and dominate it!! I'll let you know how the positive mind set goes :)

Have a great day all xx

Tuesday 6 December 2011


What a pretty Tuesday morning, blue skies and the sun is shining, pity it's still cold as anything, hopefully it's a bit warmer by the weekend, because a jacket really doesn't go with my dress! Yesterday my cute little bomboniere boxes arrived from trusty china, the fun job of gluing them together awaits, but that's a task for a much closer day.

So it's less than 3 weeks to Christmas, this year has flown by, I actually can't believe it, it's been a strange year with lots of ups and downs, I'm hoping 2012 has a few more ups! This year started ok, still working as a lab tech and in retail, a small beach holiday with Darren, one hell of a drive to Alice Springs filled up my January, February was a bit quieter, still working, searching for a new job to get me a house loan, lots of sport and my birthday, march is where things changed, started the new job and my life disappeared, working 12-18 hour days, giving up korfball, netball, basketball, the gym and even food and sleep to try and stay on top of the work,

No wonder really that by the time April rolled around, so did pneumonia from the stress and exhaustion, 10kg lighter, and worse for wear, I returned to somehow push through may and June, July is where things started to turn around, we choose our house and purchased. Saved like crazy for August except for the enagement ring ofcourse and finally moved in on the 14th of September.

The 14th of September was such and elusive date, I never thought it was going to come, but it did, followed by a lot of painting and moving, October rolled around and it was back to work, a few tears over a lost grand final and a realization that no job is worth being unhappy about...

So then came November, the 1st being Melbourne cup day and a big decision made to resign and take the risk on the job hunt, and after possibly the longest month ever it was finally the end of November and the end of my time at that role. With the sadness of leaving my friends but a relief that maybe I will regain my confidence and fight.

So it's now december, and my second day at the new job, I do still have mixed emotions, but hey I'm two days in, you never know what a job is going to be like at this stage, right? I am glad the Christmas shopping is done, the engagement party is planned and I'm hoping for a quiet new years eve to sign off 2011 and ring in 2012.

It has been a year of peaks and trophs and one I wouldn't have got through without some wonderful friends by my side. Whether it was the friends beside my on the train to and from work, the ones who texted and facebooked me during the day to make sure I was sticking up for myself, the ones who talked me through all my options and the ones who sat beside me all day at my desk and supported me through every minute of every day! From this I do just want to tell everyone out there, no job is ever worth making yourself sick, affecting your health physically, socially, and mentally is not worth any amount of money, life is short, enjoy it with the people who mean the most to you

Monday 5 December 2011

On the train again..

On the train again, how I can't wait to be on the train again... Well that is about as sarcastic as it can possibly get, back on the late train and of course it's late... As this train always was and apparently still is, yet the first day was a good one! I had my photo taken for a security pass, got a tour of the news rooms and where they film the Sunday footy show, now all I need is a glimpse of Eddie and I'll be happy! Unfortunately no invite to this weeks Christmas party in Sydney though, I was hoping for an invite, but probably would have been a bit much with the engagement party!

Currently sitting at 150 rsvps! I am very very humbled by this, knowing this many people want to share in one of Darren and my special moments, and hey if you don't make an effort here be prepared to be struck of the wedding guest list haha! Because as $100 a head, you'd wanna be there for me lol!! Today I have realized I have been telling everyone 18 months to the wedding and it's really only 15!!! Woah that's a bit scary!

This week the focus is on the engagement party but after that it is on!! I need a celebrant, I need some idea of flowers and I think I need to announce my bridesmaids earlier than march, I am thinking January or feb now, because with all the planning I am definitely going to need some help!

Well it's off to basketball tonight if I ever get home! Lucky I have my man on tea cooking duties and had one productive weekend when it came to chores because nothing is getting done this week that's for sure! Hopefully a rest tomorrow but then hair on Wednesday! Yay :) speak soon xx

Sunday 4 December 2011

The Engagement Party

The engagement party is now less than a week away!! Exciting times ahead, but this does mean for a super busy week this week. Tomorrow is my first day at Ninemsn in there sales operations department, the feelings are strange with this one, yes I am excited, yet I am slightly scared and wondering what this job will bring. Nevertheless, the first month in this role will fly by with the engagement party,  christmas (shopping all over and done with...yay!), New Years and starting at Planet Surf! And hey then there is only 3 months to go if I am not enjoying it, and thats going to go real quick too, because next year will be full on! Lots of dress shopping as a bride and as a bridesmaid, two engagement parties of friends, we still need to have a housewarming, my birthday too! Then topping it all off with a holiday at the end of it all in April.

My life is going to be busy, but I am feeling positive, I am feeling happy and I just can't wait for it all to come at me! Anyways my apologies for not posting yesterday, had another full on day, two friends birthdays, one taking us up to Melbs and the other back in Warragul, both great nights!

So the engagement party planning is coming along nicely as you all know, everything is organised its just a matter of putting it into practice now. I have the dress, the shoes, the hair appointments, the tan, the make-up, the photographer,then we have all of the catering and decorations, but we are DIYing the balloons, which is going to make for a very fun Saturday morning! I finished off the slideshow yesterday and now I just have to write a little bit of a speech for the night!

Well I am off now, need to choose the outfit for my first day, work out my train times, and try and find an obliging friend to pick up the helium for us on Friday, so we can get balloon blowing and centrepieces down before Friday! Will definitely keep you all in the loop over the next week, as one of the most important milestones is reached in my life!

Friday 2 December 2011

It's Over

Well my time is now over at the job, and surprisingly I am not as excited as I thought I might have been! Leaving my friends was extremely difficult and it's already very weird not seeing them! But the cheerio's will be friends forever, so I am trying to be positive and know that we will stay in touch!

Anyways yesterday I had a day off! So I do apolygise for not posting but I had a busy day! Lots of errands to be ran in the morning, and ofcourse some more dress shopping, tried on the dream dress again, dam you money!! Why Can't I be rich? But I did happen to find another goregous store, relatively close to home, with everything you can imagine needing for a wedding! The best part was great pricing, fantastic service and also being close to home for fittings! So girls we will be of Moe town shortly for some dress trying on fun!!

Other than that I signed up to Bridal Service Australia and have been inundated (is that how you spell that?  You get the point) with photographers, videographers, car services, caterers, hair and make-up artists, stationary providers and more all competing for my business! I love it! Its given me a place to start with my quotes and get some ideas, so for any brides to be head over there, just be prepared for hundreds of emails once you do!

Today we finally get blinds in our house!! It is going to be the best feeling not to have a blanket hanging up in our front window thats for sure. House wise things are coming along nicely, will be tackling the garden this weekend, so I get to do housework today! I really don't like housework one bit! Especially on my days off, but yesterday was pretty relaxing, got to have one lovely but painful massage, apparently the knots in my back were horrible, can't guess the stress that caused that?

Anyways I am so excited, but also terrified to start Ninemsn on Monday! Such a big company, could open up a world of opportunities, so my fingers are crossed and my feelers will be out there for an amazing PR, publicity or journalistic opportunity that may come up once my contract is finished! I am also hoping to score an invite to the chrissy party, do you think I would be starting too late to get invited? I am not too sure. Planet Surf store opened up yesterday and I have heard it was a success, can't wait to get the phone call for my first shift!

Today I am definitely feeling a lot more positive about where I am headed, about life in general and I am going to enjoy it! I have an amazing new job to start, I am getting married to my best friend, wonderful friends and I have a wonderful house, so I think next time I am feeling down I just need to remind myself of these things.

So as one chapter has now closed, a new one will begin! Can't wait to fill you all in! Also Engagement party is only 8 days away!!!!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Just the one more day to go...

So I am on the trip home and have decided to do a double post for today, just because in the excitement that tomorrow may bring, I am not sure if I will have the time to post! So one more day is done and another to go, just a measly 8 hours, even though every hour seems like an eternity at this point.

I am hoping tomorrow will be different, having a breakfast in the morning with the most awesome people to work with in the whole world, my wonderful Ops team, and then we get to have lunch as well as an office, and I'm guessing most of the afternoon will be spent saying good byes. So hopefully the day will fly by, and by this time tomorrow it will be all over and done with in that job! Phew!

So the new job finally came back to me today, and I am happy with there terms, so home I go today to finalise the contract and get ready to start on Monday at one of the biggest companies in Australia! I am pertty dam excited about this, and hopefully I will have also recieved a call from Planet Surf by the end of the week with my first shifts!! Times are a changing and I couldn't be happier, that's for certain.

Anyways I am looking forward to the couple days off that I have and going dress shopping again, I also want to start looking for an amazing head band or head piece, because I am not a massive fan of the veil, and I want to do something a little bit different, and I am sure cheaper! I am also looking forward to tomorrow night and celebrating with some friends...hopefully!

Next on my list is to start checking out bridal expo's! I love the idea of these, all different businesses competing for my dollars! This I can definitely have some fun with! There is nothing I love more than bargaining with people over things. I think that's because I am quite comfortable in just walking away and not worrying if they aren't meant to be, and find the next willing and obliging person to offer me their services. So my first expo isn't until January, but really that's only just over a month away and I will be off to Docklands on a girly day! Cant Wait!!!

The Climb

Just two days to go and I couldn't be happier, every day seems like the longest day ever at this point! Wednesday can you please come quickly? I do enjoy things a bit more now, knowing its my second last time on the 6:15am train, it's my second last time walking 3km down St Kilda Rd, there is some sadness, I will definitely miss the friendships I have made the past 8 months and that definitely does make it harder to move on.

Yet I am excited for some celebrations on Wednesday night, providing anyone can make it, as I said before, Daz won't even be around, so its currently looking a bit Bridget Jones, on my own, a glass of wine and a good movie, but we will see what happens, I think I'd prefer to skip the Bridget Jones look and go play with my doggies around at the parentals place. I do miss seeing my two big boof heads everyday!

I feel like Wednesday will be a turning point for me, a new career, or two, dress shopping with Mumma Duck on Thursday, engagement less than 2 weeks away, then christmas and New Years, the future is looking bright! But what I do need to start to realise it is going to be tough, I am going to be very busy, and let's face it in 4 months I could be facing the same difficulties, of finding a new job, and career direction, this is why my attitude is going to change!

Miley Cyrus "The Climb" is the song that seems to replicate my feelings and where I want to go! I am always going to want more, and do more, but I need to remember to enjoy things and have fun along the way! There is no rush in finding out what I want to do forever, I am 22, I want to play sport, I want to see friends and I want to enjoy planning my wedding!

"There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna want to make it move, always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose, doesn't matter how fast I get there, doesn't matter what's on the other side, its the climb!"

Monday 28 November 2011

3 more days...

6:28am Monday morning and I am off and running on the train this morning. Oh, how I won't miss this! The 8am, or even 7:20am train both seem so much more welcoming. That is ofcourse if VLine is ever to run on time, but I guess that's something I will find out on the new trains.

At the moment I still don't quite feel like my time at the current employer is over. I think feeling "stuck" there for the past 6 months is taking a bit longer to lift, I definitely feel happier and slightly more relaxed, but what the next 3 days has to offer still scares me a little bit. Things are definitely better after handing in my resignation later, I am not afraid to go upstairs to work and I haven't been going home in tears, so the light is definitely starting to appear at the end of the tunnel.

My main worry moving forward is, what if the new job makes me feel the same way? Given it is just a contract but it still is concerning, I am hoping a bigger and more well known company will definitely uphold better values and hopefully I will be happier! And if not, at least I have Planet Surf fora bit of fun on the weekends if all else fails!

Well that's enough about that. Back to the planning. The engagment party is now less than 2 weeks away! I am getting so excited. I am hoping for some nice weather, a good turn out and a fun night to dance away with friends and family. Most of the planning is done now, Just have to pick up the catering and put together a slide show! Excited!!!

Wedding wise, I haven't planned a lot this weekend, the dress shopping took up most of my time, I decided to try on a dress style that I usually wouldn't and felt like I could wear that style just as much as the style I am in love with! And did you know it takes 6 months to make a dress? Now I am quite an indecisive person, what if I change my mind after ordering? Hopefully I won't.

Still I am waiting patiently for the favour boxes, I am really excited to start making these up!! Also have to start looking into the celebrant, videographer and photographer and start getting some quotes! But for now, I just want to focus on getting through the next 3 days, have a lovely 4 day weekend, and then dominate the new role!

Will definitely be keeping you all updated!

Sunday 27 November 2011

The ending is near!

The weekend is over and I am about to enter the final week of work, well not even a week, 3 days at the current job, and 4:30 at Wednesday can't come any quicker. Just 3 more days of getting up before the sun, just 3 more days....certainly will be some celebrations on Wednesday night, currently these will be on my own, as the finace is away at a meeting, but I am not against a few quiet ones on my own and a few chick flicks.

Anyways this weekend has been so busy, and we finally got to try on dresses. The wedding dress shop is not what it appears to be in the movies, I was not offered one glass of wine, or any chocolate cake...but I am not shopping in Vera Wang or Alexander McQueen, my standard is a bit lower than that. Unfortunately the "dream" dress has come in over budget, but I did find another gorgeous dress as a back-up. Yet I am not quite ready to give up the dream just yet! There is another stockist, out in the Latrobe Valley, and at risk of offending my friends from the Valley, people from that way are not as "Well off" as those in Northcote, so I am hoping this shop has a more reasonably priced tag attached the dream that is my Alfred Angelo.

So that was pretty much my weekend spent, with today being a busy housework day and some clothing purchases for the new job, finished with netball. Now exhausted, I am off to bed to watch some Austin Powers and cross my fingers that the next 3 days will fly by in the blink of an eye.

Friday 25 November 2011

Friday is Thai day!

Well I did miss a post yesterday so thought I better catch up today! An yay it's finally Friday!!! Which means its Thai day! Tonight though I will be having Thai in the city with my work buddies! Hopefully not too late of tonight, since I've got to be up early tomorrow to go wedding dress shopping!! Yay yay yay!!!

Anyways back on the train today, the fourth last time on this train at least, hopefully after Wednesday I'll be able to get a reasonable amount of sleep! That's if the contract role ever gets defined for me, I'm hoping today.

Apart from the media contract I also got offered casual at planet surf!! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this, I had a great time at my trial, it may lead into many other roles, buyers, management opportunities...but most of all I think I am going to enjoy it!! And the extra $$$ to put aside for the wedding and honeymoon are going to be very very handy! That's if I don't spend it all on clothes of course...

So tomorrow is the weekend, and alfred Angelo will be waiting for me around 9.30 in northcote, hopefully I'll choose my dress tomorrow which will only leave shoes, headband, lingerie and veil (if I choose to wear one), so the planning is looking good!! Bridesmaid dresses will obviously be later down the track...

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Well wedding dress shopping is now one day closer!!! I am supeer dooper excited if you can't tell!! Everyone best be crossing their fingers still for these gorgeous dresses to be in my price range..

Well I have my Planet Surf second interview tomorrow and still a bit unsure of what to do! I spoke to the 99% chance new employer today and the hours are pretty good! 9:30-5:30, so I do have to work later, but I also would get to get up later!! and thats a massive plus....or maybe have time for a morning jog! Certainly would help for the wedding bod!

Anyways enough about my diet and exercise, I am having massive food cravings, after walking past a girl at Flinders st with hot chips and tomato sauce Im sure you all know the smell I am referring too! Its not like its all bad, I am 2kg down this week. You know the line "I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you!" I am 100% sure that is true!!! Dam my love of KFC and chocolate is a killer when your trying to be healthy!

Now back to the work dilemma, are you sick of me talking about this yet? I am off to my trial tomorrow for Planet Surf and thinking I will offer weekend casual, it will be a great option for when my contract ends, and a really good experience to see if I like the role and if I am a good fit for the role from their perspective too! and it will be 4 months of extreme work, but some extra cash to pay for the wedding and trip to Alice and Perth, and netball subs would definitely be helpful...

Or maybe even if the dress come in a little over budget? hahah more cash is never a bad thing, as long as I am happy!!! Happiness is definitely under-rated these days, I personally think it doesnt matter if you get paid $300 a week, or $3000 as long as you are happy! Yet the emphasis put on people to have a super shiny named career these days really makes me mad, if you want to be a doctor, lawyer, CEO I say go for it, but people should't do what doesn't make them happy, no matter how much you get paid. I guess this is something I have always battled with, because I did well at school, people always expected big things from me, but part of me wishes I left at 16 and went and did hair and beauty! Sometimes I wonder if it would have made me happier than what the media world does?

I guess thats what is good about the contract role, it gives me 4 months to sort out what I want to do for that "elusive career", and save some money , get a good reference from one of the biggest companies in Australia and that is definitely motivation in itself!

I'm not religious, so when I need faith in the world or a pick me up, I turn to music, I think I have a song that I could use to describe all aspects of my life, but if I was to have one as my bible is would be Savage Gardens' Affirmation, and this is the song I try to live by.

I believe family is worth more than money or gold!

I believe we place our happiness in other peoples hands!

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned!

There are so many more amazing lines in this song! All of which I love!! So I have put the lyrics below if you would like to read :)

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold

I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

Tuesday 22 November 2011


So it's finally home time, and back on the train again. Today I feel a little bit all over the place, The new job didn't call me back regarding the contract, really want those questions answered ASAP...better call me back tomorrow!! I also got calls for two other interviews, similiar money, city locations, one sounded amazing, but I promised myself I would only take the Ninemsn job if nothing else came up closer to home..

I guess my main worry is what if I feel the same at Ninemsn? Given it is just a contract role..but what if I make the wrong choice, or miss another opportunity because of confusion has set in well and truly, and what do I do about Planet Surf, do I offer weekend casual?

The brain clearly isn't wedding focused today, so I better change the mind set! I did however book in another appointment at a Wedding Shop for this Saturday!! Yay its closer than it was in this mornings post! I can't wait to try the Alfred Angelo range!!! I think this time I go shopping I am gonna do the hair and make up a bit! Last time I went as a blank canvas and unfortunately it just didn't do a lot for the dresses I tried on!

So I definitely want a princess styled dress! I love the big skirts and its exactly what I'm after! I just wish some of these websites had prices!! So if I knew if I was dreaming or not!

I also know I want long bridesmaid dresses now, grecian styled most likely, but I am going to keep the colour to myself for a bit longer yet! Since you know, I havent actually CHOSEN my bridesmaids yet....sorry girlies, gonna have to wait until March until I make that decision.

Anyways I am excited for tonight! Off to fill in for a friends netball team, and hopefully burn some calories for the engagement dress!


busy bee!

I was a bit lazy yesterday and didn't get around to writing a post, so I thought I would write one this morning, on the fun as always train trip into work. Bit annoyed today as someone has taken my corner seat, which means today I am stuck in an aisle seat which means no napping for me...

Anyways yesterday was a bit of a crazy day! Calling the new job to discuss the contract, yet they didn't know what their contract meant, which is slightly concerning, also I have got to follow up a couple of other roles today, just to see where I stand with those.

Also yesterday I managed to book one dress appointment for Saturday with 4 others to do today sometime. So excited for Saturday thats for sure, the weekend can't come fast enough!

6 days of work left, wooo can't wait to be out of there, Thai with the work peeps on Friday night, wedding shopping on Saturday and some rest on Sunday I think will be in order.

But first I need to get through this week, it is only Tuesday afterall....Day 6 of the count down to a happier life is coming!! Bring on next Thursday!!!

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Dress Hunt

I so can't wait for next weekend to go wedding dress hunting, as a bridesmaid and as a bride!!! Its fair to say I am pretty dam excited!!! I have spent today going through all my bridal mags deciding on styles of dresses for myself and the bridesmaids (if I ever do choose haha).

Anyways I know I will be having 4 bridesmaids, and I am pretty sure of the colour and style now, and I am about 99% sure I have chosen by designer, dependent on cost ofcourse. Everyone please cross your fingers tightly!! I soooo want one of the Alfred Angelo collection!!

Anyways this week I will be ringing and booking appointments for one massive day of dress hunting! Looking at about 7am to 4pm including travel time...woah!!

Anyways I have completed some more tasks, I have read the contract again and found some more questions to ask, but pretty sure I am going to take this job! Engagement party sorted, just wanna try on my dress one more time with the shoes now!

Lastly I have half decided on some dates for a visit to Alice and Perth to see my best friends, which I am super excited about!!!

Hope you have all had a great weekend. xx

Saturday 19 November 2011

And the buying begins..

So I have read through the new work contract and listed out my questions, so task one for the weekend is kind of complete, pretty sure I am going to take this role now, but offer to do the retail role on weekends. Might be a good way to get some extra wedding cash, even if it is tiring. Media is still what I want to do, I do know that, but I don't think advertising is the ultimate, being a PR consultant or communication officer would definitely be more appealing.

Anyways back to the wedding for now. I have ordered the cute little boxes in ivory with golden ribbon for favours now, and 16 chocolate heart moulds to make the chocolates!! All for less than $50!!! So now all I have to do is buy the choc bits closer to the day and favours are done and dusted...well I do have to build the boxes still haha.

Engagement party wise we are now all set!! Helium gas is hired for the day, well day before, providing someone can pick it up for me on the Friday. One of my BFF's has booked me in for hair and a tan, so thats all sorted. Have asked a friend to do my make-up. While I just had a freak out thinking I didn't have shoes...seriously ask Daz hahah...but I do still have my deb shoes hanging around somewhere. Daz's outfit is set, photographer sorted, thanks to another friend, and food is purchased, just needs to be picked up! Phew!!

Other than that, we have decided on the colour of bridesmaid dresses, Daz and groomsmen are sorted, and I have my sights set on a couple of dresses so fashion wise all is good!!! So now its just all the bookings/quotations and information gathering!!

But for now that will have to wait, while I head off to my big brothers 25th birthday party!! Have a good Saturday Night everyone!

Friday 18 November 2011

Decisions Decisions

Finally the weekend has arrived and I couldn't be happier. Only 8 days left at this job, can I call it a job? Might be more of a nightmare!!! This weekend I plan to put on the decision making hat and decide on what's next, to take the role I have been offered in the city, change it up into retail, or hold out for the job I love the sound of, and is closer to home but have absolutely no garuntee of getting...

So not a lot of wedding planning will be going on this weekend unfortuantely, especially with my big brothers birthday tomorrow, another trip to the city is in order. At least this time it won't be on the train. Yet I am setting myself some wedding details to be discussed.

I cant really complain, I do love to be busy, and think their is nothing worse than having nothing to do, but at this point, I am just ready to curl up on the couch with a good movie and a block of chocolate. But realistically that won't be happening this weekend, or the next for that matter.

As excited I am for this weekend, I am more excited for the next weekend, going dress shopping on bridesmaid duties (not that I'm complaining, I love sharing dress shopping with such a great part is, I get to try on dresses too!!), I will finally have less than a weeks work left, which should be a stress release in itself and lastly there will be a new job or two on the horizons...hopefully.

So this weekend I am going to set aside for decision making, what's next with life and my career, and deciding wedding choices. I want to confirm my colour choices with Daz, and possibly re-think the bridesmaid colours, I want to work out what to do with our front yard, pick a date for the house warming, and plan a trip to Alice Springs because Im missing the hell out of my besties right now, I also want to discuss favours with Daz and get his opinion, I want to start looking for photographer quotes and decided whether or not we want/need a videographer.

I also need to put some final touches into the engagment party! Order the helium machines for the balloons, decide on a hair and make-up style, and find Darren an outfit!!! So glad food and decorations are sorted..

So its fair to say its gonna be a pretty busy on this weekend. Hopefully by Sunday night...after netball that is, the elusive TV and block of chocolate will be awaiting me...and hopefully the diet will allow for a sweet treat!

Thursday 17 November 2011


Haha no I'm not talking about people doing favours for me, or me for them, although I'm not adverse to it. I am talking about Bombonieres, the lovely present you give to your wedding guests for attending the wedding. Now that I have decided on the colour scheme, ivory and chocolate, I can now make a move on planning other parts of the day!

Now I love giving people presents, which is probably why this is the first part of the day I want to plan, as mentioned yesterday I needed some ideas on what to do, One of my lovely BFF's sent me text after text after reading this yesterday which has helped so much, the simply answer eBay.

So this morning when I got on the train at 6:15am...blah... I thought let's give eBay a shot, so I started looking up ideas for wedding decorations in ivory and chocolate and I found so many great ideas, so in my price range, others not, personalized chocolate, now ladies, I would LOVE to do that one, but $700 for 100 is just out of my price range unfortnately haha. So I kept looking and found cute little boxes in ivory with chocolate ribbons, 100 for $45 with free postage, so things are looking a little more in my price range now...

So I have the container decided upon, and then I found myself wondering what to put in the box? Now anyone that knows me well knows I have a love of chocolate! No wonder I'm having a chocolate wedding theme...especially with the cravings from my engagement dress diet!! Anyways I was thinking, I could put little treats in the box, now I know chocolate coated almonds are supposed to promote health and happiness, but I think I might throw in some DIY.

My dad has always worked in the plastics industry and as a kid, I loved nothing more than meting chocolate, tipping it into the moulds he brought home and eating it after a few hours of refridgeration. Even back in Year 9, me and another BFF decided our Science Project would be, "which brand of chocolate melts the fastest" simply so we could eat the chocolate afterwards. So I think I want to restore some of that childhood fun and incorporate it into my favours!

Get some chocolate chips, melt them down and all done!! Personal, DIY, perfect!! Hope the guests like them :)

Wednesday 16 November 2011


The title I'm sure says enough for this one, setting the wedding budget is difficult! Darren and I were hoping to have the whole event completed with 10K but I think this is a fairly unrealistic number, especially when you have to wine and dine 100 guests!

So we have booked our venues as you know, so the catering we have found to be the killer. Having to allow anything from $65-100 per head, and when you multiply that by 100 guests, plus Daz and myself, then woah we are sitting anywhere between $6700, and $10,000....WOAH! So a 10k budget is looking a bit of an under-estimate.

It's all the little things you forget before you begin the actual planning of a wedding, since getting engaged I have realised, we need flowers, favours, decorations, transport, and believe me these things really are priced ridiculously!

So my plan is a wedding on a budget!!! The venue and reception centre have been relatively well priced so these are fine! Next step is the dress, I probably won't go all op shop on this item, but I am limiting myself to 1k to spend on a dress and shoes. Considering Im only gonna wear it once! Centrepieces are included in the venue and floating candles should go well with the colour scheme.

Lastly for decorations, invitations and favours, Im going to do some DIY, I'm not the most crafty person around, but Im sure I can come up with something that makes the day even more special! So anyone out there with some invitation ideas, a good eye for detail and style, please feel free to offer up your suggestions any time over the next few months!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Colour Scheme

Today I have decided to use my 1 hour and 15 minute train trip home to write, and why not? Especially when the stupid thing is delayed (due to a police But with wedding planning I will take every second I get to work on my themes, dress ideas and most importantly update my blog..

As mentioned back in blog number 1, I thought I had the dream job, well that didn't turn out to be the case, and the 3 hours spent on the train a day certainly doesn't help improve the miserable days of work. So I am very happy to say I have moved on and resigned from the role which I thought could take me to the top, and find myself needlessly applying for roles of all sorts, retail, advertising, science and communications. Unfortunately you need money topay for a wedding, so the job hunt is taking the higher priority for now.

Anyways why I am saying this is because, at work I have now handed over the crazy number of campaigns that I was managing and find myself having a few minutes free time (unheard of) to browse wedding sites. I have decided I would love an Ivory/Cream themed wedding. I think these colours are very classy and the pictures of seen look stunning!

Yet I am faced with a slight problem...I want my bridesmaids to wear super bright colours, like hot pink or electric blue. I guess the recpetion venue doesn't have to match the colour of the dresses, but will that make me a social outcast? or a visionary? hahah too be honest I dont really mind either way.

I just want my recpetion venue to be a classy affair and my bridesmaids to be in beautiful fun dresses, and I do believe this may be the only day where I get to have everything my way? Well with Darrens approval of course!!!

Monday 14 November 2011

The Bridesmaid

One of things I am most happy about is to be sharing my wedding planning with quite a few of my best friends, who are also planning their wedding. There are so many different stages of life, some of these friends I have known for ever, have shared first days of school, grand finals, graduations, but to see these girls be the happiest they have ever been is definitely a wonderful thing, because I, like im sure many others can't be happy unless the people I love the most are happy too.

I must admit, in my previous post where I mentioned I never dreamed of my wedding, but one thing I always really wanted to be was a bridesmaid for one of my close friends. Knowing that I have had an impact on someone so much so that they want me up there for one of the most important moments of their life is definitely a very gratifying feeling.

My friend today set her date, and I am very happy to say that December 1st 2012 will be my very first appearance as a bridesmaid, and Darren's first as a groomsman, and in fact his first wedding!!! The best part is definitely that we are going to become a part of our friends history, their life long photos and stories from that day, and I absolutely can't wait...

Another friend, just this time this week chose her gorgeous wedding dress, for her the wedding is more of a family affair, choosing her dress with her grandmother at her side, and honestly could you think of a more precious moment, neither my friend or her gran will ever forget that moment...

Having friends to share this wonderful time with is by far the best aspect of my wedding planning.... I can't wait to go dress shopping with these girls, choosing colour schemes and having them their when I'm sure one or two details go pear shaped at the last minute!

Sunday 13 November 2011

27 Dresses?

Choosing bridesmaids has been a dilemma I have been facing since the moment I got engaged. The typical questions that follow the announcement seem to consist of how did he do it? Have you set a date? and who will be a bridesmaid, I bet it will be so and so, and so and so!

Well I currently feel like I am going to end up like Katherine Heigl's character in 27 Dresses with her 27 friends as bridesmaids, plus her bestie and her sister. Now I don't have a sister but I do have a lot of very close friends. Now having lots of friends isn't a bad thing, but when it comes to choosing bridesmaids it does make things very difficult.

4 is the number that has been decided upon by Darren and myself, yet I have a list of six super awesome girl friends, plus about 4 others that could be just as deserving as a spot up there with me, therefore I am having severe splitting issues. So who do you choose? The ones you have known the longest? The family members? The ones you are closest with now? Its a tough call because honestly I could have every single one of them up there and not have any issues with who I have chosen... yet as I mentioned before six is simply too many to be practical..

So I'm drawn to giving every person a task, possibly 4 bridesmaids, 1 as an MC of the wedding and another as head of hens day and wedding day operations, now this is definitely my current thought process, but this may change, because hey there is still a lot of time between now and the wedding day, and who knows in 6 months, there may even be another person I may call my BFF. The girls I choose for these two positions definitely won't be because I think any less of them, its more because I think they would do a wonderful job of making the best day of my life even better.

But anyways I do like to pose the question, would you be offended if you weren't included as a bridesmaid but offered another role? I never thought having a lot of friends would have a down-side and hate the thought of hurting anyones feelings.

What would you do?

Saturday 12 November 2011

The Wedding Venue

I think I was about 10 years old the last time I was in a church, in summary I ended up fainting from the contistant "please stand", "please be seated". For obvious reasons I won't be getting married in a Church. Leaving the options of a reception centre, a garden, or the beach.

As a child I never dreamed of my wedding day, is that strange? Everyone always says that's what every little girl dreams about? Well not me, I was too busy playing outsite with the neighbours, playing british bulldogs (yes running as hard as you possibly could to get through a wall full of people ready to tackle you), marker's up (Im a footy girl always have been, always will) and climbing trees. I was never really a girly girl until I hit high school, and even then, I was never thinking about "the big day", my friends and I spoke more about who the cutest boys were and who we had crushes on.

When I first saw Darren I was in Year 9 and dating another boy from my year...that relationship lasted about 2 weeks, before he dumped me from a few bucks from his that was a good day when I look back. Anyways Daz was in my Year 9/10 Phys Ed class, and I spent the next few weeks discussing this cute new boy with my friends, but this story has a lot more telling to come..

Anways lets focus on the point. The Wedding Venue, is booked!! Unfortunately I won't be standing in the centre of the MCG as I was secretly hoping I would win the lottery to do. Never the less the 23rd March 2013, A lovely Garden, a little bit out of town. Picture Perfect to me, and exactly what we were after, and too be honest we didn't even look anywhere else because once we saw this we knew it was "the one"!
The picturesque fountains, walkways, beautiful flowers and gum trees were going to be perfect for the cermony and for the photo's afterwards, so we paid the deposit, and both sighed with relief that one detail of the many to come had been decided upon for the most memorable day of our lives.  
 Well, we have booked the day! Still contemplating a time!! Is 3pm too early? Is 5pm too late? I have no idea! The problem with Darren and I planning a wedding is that he has never been to one, and I have only been to 2! One of which was a ceremony only, One was at 2pm, the other at 4pm...Happy for suggestions from whoever is willing to suggest. I am thinking a 3pm ceremony, followed by a ceremony at 5pm. Yet I'm left thinking while we have photos, where will everyone else be going? Maybe 4pm would be better?

As you can tell, every detail has to be carefully considered, but I do feel better knowing we have a date and somewhere to get the business done, if all else fails I'm sure we can all just head to the pub afterwards for a bar meal and dance the night away at the local sports bar. But let's hope it doesn't come to that...

Friday 11 November 2011

The Engagement Dress

So let's forget about the wedding momentarily, and focus on the event that is much much closer, the engagment party, just 4 weeks away...and most importantly the engagement dress.

The invites have been sent, 150 RSVP's collected, colour themes chosen, decorations purchased, catering under control, all running smoothly without, dare I say it? A hitch!

I consider myself to be quite the bargain hunter, I don't like to pay full price for anything, especially when I know I can find it cheaper elsewhere. Op shopping, eBay, garage sales... I don't think I was always this way, the fiance the "accountant" has probably had a positive affect on my money spending ways.

I began my search, knowing that I wanted a full length gown, always the most pricey option! Now I'm not the one to go shopping on Chapel St and Bridge Rd for the designer dress, although I do dare to dream about Channel shoes and that perfect Louis Vuitton bag from time to time. A Knock-off is always the favourite choice for me and my bank account. A few days later I found the dream dress!!! Imported from the high classed "Chinese" online store. Some of you may chuff at that remark, but hey, its international, and China do a great job of making other items we use on a daily basis, seriously look around you and see if you can tell me nothing in your surroundings has the "Made in China" badge.

So I did my research on the site, took my measurements, selected the colour, paid using trusty PayPal and continued on my merry way expecting to see the dress in 21-30 days...

However this wasn't as ease free as I had hoped, two days after ordering I jumped online to show my mum the dress I had chosen, and to my shock the site was gone! The inner panic set in, but I managed to calm myself thinking, it's ok, sites go down all the time, it'll be back tomorrow...

The next day came and the next, but nothing...heart was racing, im sure my cheeks were reddening and the inner bride panic attack kicked in. Where's the site gone? Have they stole my money? How am I going to afford a NEW DRESS???

I sent email after email, set up a complaint in PayPal and waited and waited... two weeks later I recieved a poorly formulated email to let me know my dress was on its way and asking if I could kindly remove the PayPal complaint. Trusting Stacey had far but disappeared at this point, I wasn't budging until the dress arrived!

And you know what, some very valuable lessons were learnt here, patience is a virtue, give things time, websites do go down, and they do disappear! It is always best to trust...the dress arrived and it was stunning, not a stitch misssed, a perfect fit, and the dress I know I will look back at in many years to come, and to tell the story of how already...the inner Bridezilla had started to appear...

Thursday 10 November 2011

500 days to go

Yesterday was 500 days until my wedding day or should I say ours?! Fair to say the panic has started to set in. How many people? What colour theme? What dress will I wear? How much can we spend? There may have also been some inappropriate adverbs used in these sentences at the time, but we will leave those well alone. But after the mini wedding panic attack, I got to thinking of all the things I had accomplished in the 500 days before yesterday...

Sunday 27th of June 2010. Wow, now when I think I everything that I have done since then...lets take a look back, on this June day I would have been a 21 year old University student, studying Arts and Science, working 35 hours a week in a hardware store and going to University full time, I got to see my favourite AFL team win the Grand Final, I was renting a place with my boy and his best mate, playing basketball, korfball, netball and heading to the gym a couple times a week...somewhat of an achievement in itself. Since that (im guessing horribly cold) June day just 500 days ago, I have graduated university, yes just call me Stacey BSc.BA hahah makes me laugh every time, I accomplished night shifts as a lab technician, I landed myself the dream full time job....well so I thought, but hey thats a story for another time, I turned 22, errr is getting older an achievement? Made numerous more friends and developed other friendships, bought a house and have begun renovating and well obviously I got engaged.

Now I find myself in the position of thinking wow clearly the last 500 days were pretty hectic and Im thinking they were also pretty good days, so...lets bring on the wedding planning!!! I do consider myself quite the planner and organizer, possibly borderline OCD at times, but who isnt when it comes to the most important life events? Lets just hope for my fiance's sake there is no inner Bridezilla awaiting to stomp its way out of my somewhat reserved personality.

It was August 14th 2011, the day of the proposal, and now almost 3 months on, I have hardly planned a detail of this 23rd of March 2013 wedding. Yes we picked a date and tentatively reserved the venues, but it all seems very surreal. I wonder who knew back on March 1st 2004, our first day officially a couple, 15 and 16 year old, Stacey and Darren would make it to this point of planning a wedding 7 and a half years later....