
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Size 8 come at me!

Ok so week one of calorie counting and a half an hour walk has been successful. I have lost 1.5kg this week, and a cm off my waist! No movement on the cms from the butt an legs yet but any progress is good progress. It's enough for motivation into week 2 that's for sure.

So how am I doing it? I have limited my calorie intake to 1200 calories per day. Breakfast: 1.5 slices of whole grain toast with strawberry jam and a multi vitamin juice.
Morning tea: I have one weight watchers bar around 10am and a mini protein bar at 11:30am.
Lunch: 200g low fat vanilla yoghurt with my own chopped and added strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Afternoon tea: one banana
Dinner: pretty much anything to the value of 400 calories, can often be BBQ meat and a salad, chicken casserole, tuna pasta.

I also have made it a goal to walk for 30 minutes in my lunch break each day. From monitoring my eating I actually have now learnt to avoid unnecessary snacking, I'm actually hungry when it comes to breakfast, lunch and tea, so I am wasting less food. Bringing my lunch everyday also means I am saving more dollars for the wedding, losing weight, and feeling a lot more energized throughout the day.

After making my own meal plan this week it has confirmed where I want to go with my career and that is too go back to uni to complete my graduate diploma and hopefully masters in human nutrition. Of course this will be post-wedding but finally I know exactly where I am going and what I want to do.

Anyways back to the wedding plans! I have found the most gorgeous bridesmaid dresses and I am extremely excited for the girls to try these on, I have also booked my flights over to Perth for my 3rd bridesmaid so I can see how she feels about the dress too. If all work out this will be ready!!! Then it's just a matter of the girls finding shoes, matching necklaces, earrings and a hairstyle that suits everyone.

So the plans keep ticking on over, I received my invitation quote yesterday, when speaking to the company I asked for invites no more than $3 each as this is our budget and we simply won't spend more, so they send the quote back and the invites are $4.60 each! What a load of crap! I wonder how many people just pay over there budget? People take advantage of brides because they know how much the day means and to be honest I think it's pretty wrong. So I replied to the email saying thanks but no thanks as the quote provided is above the communicated cost limit. Lucky I have my dad on the case now and has found a work friend who might be able to do the same thing for less! If not I'm rounding up the bridesmaids and making the things myself.

From this story I realized I don't need as much as I thought, why do I need centre pieces when the golf club has them already? Why do I need an expensive dress when there is a much cheaper option available? All that matters is that I marry my man on march 23rd 2013. And even if I'm wearing a hessian bag, it'd still be the most amazing day. So don't lose sight of what the day is truly about because you'll end up wasting money!

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