
Thursday, 29 December 2011


Its coming to that time of year where the new years resolutions start to come out. Have you been successful for 2011? I have managed to go without McDonalds for the year, this wasnt because of the fatiness or poor nutritional value of the food, its because I felt I was relying on it too much. Those sweet chilli chicken wraps were a very common lunch for me, so in order to save money, and I guess in turn my waistline I put it on my new years resolution list, and you know what? Its the first resolution I have ever kept!

This year I do have a few resolutions I would love to keep:
- I want to put a ban on another fast food, I could do Maccas again? KFC? Subway? Pizza? Not sure yet...
-I want to be able to run 10km like I could before I had pneumonia earlier this year.
-I want to go back to the weight I was at 18, 60kg, do you think I can knock off 14kG in a year? Don't get me wrong I am not big by any means, but I do want to look great for my wedding day.
- I want to have time to go to the gym at least twice a week.
-Get 1 BNF vote in netball.
-Lastly I want to have time to cook, and I mean actually cook, not just chuck something on quickly.

So I guess I have a few there to up-keep. I am thinking a better work-life balance will help me achieve these. The support of my friends and family, I am sure I can achieve any of these after the year I have had.

So tell me what are your resolutions for the year?

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